This is my first triathlon, do I need any special gear like a wetsuit or time trial bike?

With a comfortable 80 degree pool swim there is no need for a wetsuit and you can use any bike (road, mountain, hybrid, etc) as long as it isn’t an electric bike! The only gear you’ll need are

  • swim goggles

  • swim cap (provided)

  • running shoes

  • bike helmet

  • triathlon suit or any athletic clothing you can swim, bike, and run in

    • If you plan to wear a swimsuit you can always slip on a pair of shorts or shirt in transition. Keep in mind we will not have a changing tent.

  • timing chip and race numbers (given to you at packet pickup)

Some optional pieces of equipment may include:

  • elastic shoe laces (ex: Caterpy or Lock Laces)

  • clip in bike shoes

What nutrition do I need for a sprint distance triathlon?

It’s always a good idea to have a bottle of water with your favorite electrolyte mix on the bike to stay hydrated. There will be an aid station on the run course with water and electrolytes as well. Taking a gel at the end of the bike is not necessary but can help reenergize you for the run! It’s always a good idea to try your nutrition during practice to make sure your stomach likes it.

What should I have in my transition area?

Set up your bike, helmet, bike shoes, running shoes, and bib in your area. Make sure to have a full water bottle and some nutrition. Optional items include socks, sunglasses, and a hat. 

What’s the Classic Relay?

The Classic Relay is where a team of two to three athletes completes the sprint-distance race together. You each complete one or two legs of the race: the swim, bike, or run. This is a great option if you don’t want to do all legs of the race! Your team can be mixed ages and genders and will compete in an Age Group race in our schedule.

But then what’s the Mixed Team Relay (MTR)?

This is a different race format! Here you’ll have a team of four, and each athlete completes a mini triathlon in full. The distances for each mini triathlon are: 200m swim, 7km bike, 1km run. There should be two women and two men in each team. This format is especially exciting to watch! We will hold the MTR after the sprint distance races. This is our second year hosting the MTR and first year opening it up to any age group athlete!